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Are You Ready for Mosquito Season?

Mosquito season is just around the corner. You will want to take steps now to protect your children from mosquitoes. Mosquitoes are activity in the spring, summer and fall. In some areas of the country where it does not get cold, they may be active throughout the year. Since mosquitoes carry a number of serious illnesses, it is important to take the steps now to get ready for mosquito season.

Stock Up on the Insect Spray

Insect sprays that contain DEET or Picaridin are safe to use on children as young as two months. This is a good option when you are spending time in a heavily wooded area or at the lake where there will be a number of mosquitoes. You should stock up now and be sure to carry the insect repellent with you in your diaper bag or backpack that you take with you to ball games or to play dates at the park. You may be able to find insect repellent that you can apply with wipes that may be a better option for young children so you do not risk getting it in their face when applying it.

Avoid Peak Insect Times

Mosquitoes tend to be more active when it is a bit cooler during the day in the summer, which means they are very active in the hours around dawn and dusk. While this may be the time when you enjoy spending time outdoors the most, you can be prepared with the insect repellent if you are planning on spending time outside or if you have to due to child’s game or ball practice.

Prepare Your Yard

It is important to take steps to prepare your yard. You can address any landscaping issues that may keep your yard damp throughout the year. You can also be sure that you keep your yard trim and neat which allows the yard to dry out completely. Be sure that you do not have any standing water around your property in old buckets. Consider getting mosquito treatments throughout the summer that will eliminate mosquitoes and allow you to send your kids outside without having them apply insect repellent.

Prepare Your Home

Take the time now to check the window screens around your home for any holes or cracks that will allow mosquitoes in. This is vital if you open the windows in the evenings to allow the night breeze to cool off your home. You should also consider installing screen doors on the front and back door to your home as well as any sliding doors so that your kids can go in and out without you worrying about them leaving the door open and allowing mosquitoes in.

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